What Is A Low Blood Pressure Reading

    blood pressure

  • The hydrostatic force that blood exerts against the wall of a vessel.
  • the pressure of the circulating blood against the walls of the blood vessels; results from the systole of the left ventricle of the heart; sometimes measured for a quick evaluation of a person’s health; “adult blood pressure is considered normal at 120/80 where the first number is the systolic
  • The following is an episode list for the MTV animated television series Beavis and Butt-head. The series has its roots in 1992 when Mike Judge created two animated shorts – “Frog Baseball” and “Peace, Love & Understanding” – which were later aired on Liquid Television.
  • The pressure of the blood in the circulatory system, often measured for diagnosis since it is closely related to the force and rate of the heartbeat and the diameter and elasticity of the arterial walls

    what is

  • Is simply the glossary of terms and acronyms, you can find them below in alphabetic order. Fundamental concepts and acronyms may also have an associated Blog post, if that is the case the acronym or term will be hyper-linked to the respective post.
  • prize indemnity?   In everyday terms, Prize Indemnity is prize coverage without the prize risk. It’s that simple.
  • What Is is the eighth album by guitarist/vocalist Richie Kotzen.


  • Written or printed matter that can be read
  • Used to convey the specified quality of such written or printed matter
  • the cognitive process of understanding a written linguistic message; “his main reading was detective stories”; “suggestions for further reading”
  • a particular interpretation or performance; “on that reading it was an insult”; “he was famous for his reading of Mozart”
  • a datum about some physical state that is presented to a user by a meter or similar instrument; “he could not believe the meter reading”; “the barometer gave clear indications of an approaching storm”
  • The action or skill of reading written or printed matter silently or aloud


  • Located at or near the bottom of something
  • Of less than average height from top to bottom or to the top from the ground
  • in a low position; near the ground; “the branches hung low”
  • an air mass of lower pressure; often brings precipitation; “a low moved in over night bringing sleet and snow”
  • less than normal in degree or intensity or amount; “low prices”; “the reservoir is low”
  • Situated not far above the ground, the horizon, or sea level

what is a low blood pressure reading

After the Battle (6-4-9) Part 1

After the Battle (6-4-9) Part 1
arin Perian is curled on the couch, head on a rolled up blanket, another one wound around her. She’s reading something and staying pretty quiet.

Rick Hauser steps through the elevator and into the main area. He brushes his worn jersey down a bit, a relic of another age. He’ll then look over to Tarin and stroll on over, not seeing her injuries from staring at her back as he leans over the spine of the couch.

Tarin Perian slowly shifts her head as she feels the couch shift. Her ability to hear subtleties is still fucked but she can hear conversations okay. She looks up at him and gives him a faint excuse for a smile. "Heya."

Rick Hauser clasps his hands together and smiles down to her, "Hey there…. woah! What the hell happened to… I mean, are you alright, kiddo? Shit went down hard last night, but didn’t know you were in the midst of the fray."

Tarin Perian pulls her feet up a little and sits up. "Yeah…I ran the print and the phone records…and called it in to Simon and Dad…and she came down to ‘help’. I managed to open the Agency line I set up to Parx’s specs and kept the info going…"

Rick Hauser raises an eyebrow, "You’re talking about Roma, aren’t you? I heard about that…and saw some of the ‘leftovers’… Well it’s great that you’re relatively alright though."

Tarin Perian nods a little. "Yeah, she was…a bit psycho. Shot Esha and Simon…" She swallows and sets the book aside. "I’m just pissed she got the drop on me. I didn’t…"

Rick Hauser shrugs a bit, "Well nobody can expect everything… I mean, I generally don’t trust hybrids, not to mention that I’m allergic to them… but still, you thought she was on your side. Shit like that you don’t expect…" He’ll then vault over the back of the couch and plop down on the cushion, leaning up against the arm rest, "Besides… I don’t think she’s fit to get the drop on anyone anymore."

Tarin Perian glances over at him. "I sorta heard, but don’t know much beyond people are patched up." She shifts the book again and glances over. "You okay? I mean, looks like everyone else went to curl up with their Someone Important." She gives him a wry smile.

Rick Hauser nods slowly, "Good to know no one got… no one else was killed." He then glance over to her and toss her a grin, "Then only other person who I considered important before Blackstar, is running around somewhere trying to make my blood pressure go up."

Tarin Perian tips her head and looks at him. "Oh?" It’s got the tone of ‘tell me a story’. "Who’s that?" She moves her legs carefully and sucks in a soft breath, settling again. "Ribs…" she mutters low.

Rick Hauser snorts and leans back a bit, "Well… Before I came to Midian, I met this girl named, Layla, on my travel to the free city. She was nineteen…still is, and naive. She was heading from somewhere, never got the full story, but I took pity on her and took her under my wing. Came here, got a place with her, and that’s pretty much it in the short run. Nice kid, she’s got a good head on her shoulders, even if she drives me nuts at times…" He’ll then look at Tarin with a concerned look, "You alright? Nothing broken right?

Tarin Perian huhs. "Girlfriend?" She is trying so hard to be cool. To be in control. To act like this was something she could do everyday. "Broke my nose, but it’s been set. Ribs aren’t broke, just bruised, but that was from th’dog, not R…" she stops. "Y’know…I don’t think I want to say her name."

Rick Hauser nods slowly, "Yeah, I know what you mean… No offense, but this is one of the perks of being the FNG. Back in the old days, we gave the new guy hell for it, but we all wore stars and stripes back then too. So yeah, I’m not really close with anyone here… No offense of course, I hope to change that though." He then shrugs at the girlfriend comment, "I dunno… I mean, hell… I could be her father. Right now, I’m looking after her. There’s not a lot of old people these days, you kids are the future and all that jazz."

Tarin Perian: "I didn’t know her really, either. Only met her once or twice – like when Ro hired me on as Support staff. I’m more worried about my Dad. He’s not my real dad either. Just…offered to take Sel and I in, help us out…stuff like that. Sel, he’s kinda old for that though, but…I really appreciate it. His girl, Esha? She…didn’t do so well with a teenager running around, so I just got my own place recently. But..it’s still nice t’know that someone out there actually gives a shit if you’re alive or dead."

Rick Hauser nods and smirks a bit, "Yeah, it is a good feeling when you know there’s someone out there for you. Kinda makes you want to stay alive, keep fighting for something, win, etcetera, etcetera…" He chuckles a bit.

Tarin Perian

57/365: seeing double

57/365: seeing double
This is much more exciting than it looks. After reading multiple people rave about Lightroom, seeing an example of it used on one of my photos thanks to Garen, and my Corel PaintShop X3 crashing my computer every evening and only allowing me to transfer 2 files at a time from my camera to computer, and only being able to view 1 at a time, I decided it was time to make the investment. (and thanks to the educational discount, I got it super cheap through work!) I seriously could feel my blood pressure lower as I watched the files transfer and my computer didn’t freeze a single time. This program runs SO smoothly!!! I am a very happy gal.. And it is so easy to use I could even take out the major glare spots on the apple without reading directions. (it may not be perfect, but I’ll get there)

I probably touched every setting in Lightroom just to experiment with everything, so I’m not sure what went into the final product. The part that took the longest was figuring out how to save it as a jpeg. 🙂